S3 E11: Improve your sex life and experience more pleasure - with Mint, the Middle East's first pole dance studio owner

Published: Feb. 6, 2024, 9:44 a.m.


Where do I even begin with Mint...


She opened the first pole dance studio in the Middle East, which soon put her on a national and international stage.


She went abroad as the first young woman in her family.


She then quit her well established pole brand and studio to become a Somatic Sexologist.



In this episode, we talk about


- insecurities Mint had around her body and pleasure


- what Mint wishes women knew about sex and pleasure


- top 3 messages women inherit around their bodies and sex


- her #1 tip to experience more sexual pleasure


- what men struggle with when it comes to sex & pleasure


- what happened when Mint started conversations around sex and pleasure with her male friends


- how Somatic Sexology changed Mint\'s life


- and so much more.



\\nMint Elmokadm is a Somatic Sexologist and Pleasure-focused Sex Educator with a focus on empowering Middle Eastern women and couples worldwide. Known for her daring initiatives and international presence, Mint has been transforming lives through her unique approach to movement, teaching, and sexual education. \\n\\nMint specialises in working with Middle Eastern woman and couples who feel stuck in their sexual lives. Her mission is to guide them in letting go, helping them identify their desires, and ultimately leading them towards more fulfilling connections with both their bodies and their partners.



Connect with Mint here:


