How to heal the emotional root cause of your physical symptoms - with Reenee Khanna

Published: April 22, 2024, 12:24 p.m.


In this episode, Reenee and I spoke about


- how healing the emotional root cause can help your physical symptoms disappear


- how Reenee healed her knees after a doctor told her to stop dancing


- what auras are, how you can read them, and what you can read in them


- Ayurveda vs Western Herbalism



More about Reenee:


\\nMy name is Reenee Khanna, I\\u2019m a clinical herbalist and Ayurvedic advisor. For nearly a decade now, I\\u2019ve been helping people eliminate their chronic conditions by treating the root cause. And what I learned is the very thing causing your chronic condition is the limiting belief that holds you back from manifesting everything you want. \\n\\nPersonally, I\\u2019ve gone from doctors telling me to give up my passion for dance due to knee problems..... to manifesting my dream to run my own dance school and teaching 8 hours a week. \\n\\nI went from experiencing exhaustion, anxiety, PTSD, nightmares and panic attacks to having multiple successful businesses and helping others manifest the life they've always wanted.\\n\\nI went from being in toxic relationship, a stay at home mom with no income to a thriving single mom, day trading stocks to support myself and my kids, buying a Tesla in cash and living in a gorgeous place in the neighbourhood of my dreams. \\n\\nMy mission is to share the knowledge and wisdom I've learned about health and manifestation to help others also life in flow and thrive.\\n\\nConnect with Reenee here:


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