How to activate and use your psychic gifts to raise your frequency and create more abundance - with Tiana Mi

Published: Feb. 16, 2020, 11 p.m.


By the age of 22, T\\xeda\\xf1a M\\xed had created a business that hit the six figure mark within its first year, and multiple six figures within its second year while helping others reach the million dollar mark within their business.


T\\xeda\\xf1a credits her success to mastering consciousness rather than anything else. Working from alignment and high frequencies is what fulfills her clients not only financially, but also emotionally. They not only become happier, but rather euphoric about their lives.


This podcast episode is absolutely packed with tips about how we can master our consciousness.


We also discuss


- How T\\xeda\\xf1a created her business and how she went from science to woo-woo


- How the metaphysical finally has become proven science


- Why you\\u2019re not crazy when you\\u2019re hearing voices, seeing the future, etc.


- How to improve and master our psychic gifts


- The three pillars of mastering consciousness


- How to raise your frequency.


Do yourself a favor and check out this amazing episode right now!



Connect with T\\xeda\\xf1a M\\xed here:


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Follow on IG: @deityti 


Join her Facebook group: Millennial Millionaire


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