Why NOT to cook with olive oil!

Published: Feb. 19, 2021, 8:30 a.m.

I can’t wait to chat with you today about how to properly use olive oil because it’s such an easy swap that makes a huge difference in our health!


Olive oil has a low smoke point which means when it’s exposed to heat it turns to a trans fat!

Trans fats raise your LDL “bad” cholesterol & lower your HDL “good” cholesterol. High LDL & low HDL levels can cause cholesterol to build up in your arteries which increases your risk for heart disease and stroke.

I recommend sautéing in low sodium vegetable broth and cooking with avocado and/or coconut oil!

Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on salads or add it to food AFTER it’s been cooked.

Trans fats also cause inflammation in our body & gut which negatively affects every area of our health.


Want to join this months MASTERCLASS on ALL THINGS GUT!? We're diving into:

  • HOW the gut is connected to hormones, anxiety, depression, brain health & more
  • What negatively affects your gut (NOT just food related)
  • Things your gut LOVES (again, NOT just food related!)
  • What you can do right away to start healing

It's a crash course on the most IMPORTANT aspect of our health! Click here for more info! Can't wait to see you there!

Check out  Episode 10 about the gut for a taste of what you'll get in the MASTERCLASS.

 Episode 42: Are you eating enough fat?!


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So grateful you’re here! XO Corinne