Where are my PERFECTIONISTS at?! This one's for you!

Published: April 20, 2021, 7:30 a.m.

I loveee jamming out on this topic because I struggled with this for a while & still do sometimes! If you vibe with this episode come let me know on Instagram @corinneangealica

When we're trying to be "perfect" in whatever area of our life, what's actually happening is that:

  • We're robbing ourselves of joy
  • We’ll never be satisfied
  • We cause more harm than good

And plus, perfect doesn’t exist- everyone’s definition is different. There's such beauty in the mess that we need to learn to trust the process & not take life too seriously.

Steps you can implement to help your perfectionist tendencies:

Step 1: notice what areas you’re trying to be perfect in

Step 2: when you notice it in real time ask yourself "why do I feel the need to be perfect? Where is it coming from?"

Step 3: catch the negative self talk when you feel guilty about not being perfect and replace it with something that serves you.

Step 4: Meditation  

Episode 19: Using MINDFULNESS, MEDITATION & MINDSET to navigate this season with Jen Emswiler



  • Come hangout with me on instagram @corinneangealica
  • Checkout my website
  • Want professional grade supplements for 10% off? Head to my dashboard! (Click HERE for the CANADIAN dashboard).
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