What are you not LETTING GO of & how is that affecting your HEALTH?!

Published: May 28, 2021, 8:30 a.m.

I can't wait to chat with you about this because the emotional, personal development side of health is actually my favorite part!


INTRO mini courses!

1. INTRO to MIND Your Hormones 101

  • INTRO to MIND Your Hormones 101 will give you a sneak peak of the 12 week coaching experience.
  • In this INTRO course you'll learn how to be consistent with your health goals for long term results, the most important first steps when balancing your hormones & how you can use nutrition & lifestyle to support your hormones from the root out.
  • You'll get a supplement protocol, guided meditations, tons of vegan & gf recipes, product recommendations, bonus trainings, a facebook community so you have access to me & more!
  • Click HERE for more details of what you get in this intro course!

2. INTRO to HONOR Your Cycle

  • INTRO to HONOR Your Cycle will give you a sneak peak of the 8 week coaching experience.
  • In this INTRO course you'll learn how your body actually works as a women. You'll learn about our innate feminine cycle that's called our infradian rhythm, how to eat to support every phase of your cycle so you can flow with your cycle!
  • You'll get a supplement protocol, guided meditations, phase specific workout chart, phase specific recipes (vegan & gf), product recommendations, bonus training, a facebook community so you have access to me & more!
  • Click HERE for more details of what you get in this intro course!

Interested in both?! Check out this BUNDLE option!

Okay back to today's episode. Questions to ask yourself:

  1. What are you not allowing? To flow in, to feel, to happen
  2. What are you not releasing? Energetically, past situation, feeling?
  3. What do you need to let go of?