Tips for eating out!

Published: March 19, 2021, 7:30 a.m.

So excited to chat with you about this because I want you to enjoy eating our without feeling anxious!

The easiest cuisine’s I’ve found for being plant based when eating out are Mexican, Spanish, Italian & Asian.

Mexican & Spanish are super conducive for those who are dairy & gluten free. You can get rice & beans, veggie tacos etc.

Italian places have a lot of gluten free options: pastas or pizzas. There are also a lot of places that have vegan cheese options.

Start looking at appetizers and sides to bulk up on veggies.

Make sure you have some type of veggie before your meal especially if you’re eating animal products because animals don’t have fiber & fiber improves our gut microbiome. This also helps with portion control since the portion sizes at most restaurants is insane!

Don’t be afraid to ask for accommodations! Speak up and ask for what you want.

Just do your best and enjoy the experience! It’s not so much about the food it’s about enjoying the company that you’re there with.

And if you eat something you don’t normally eat, don’t beat yourself up about it. Enjoy it & get back into your routine the next day!



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