Root causes of MIGRAINES & NATURAL relief.

Published: Feb. 23, 2021, 8:30 a.m.

I can’t wait for you to dive into today’s episode about all things migraines! I used to suffer monthly from debilitating migraines so I totally understand what you’re going through!

But it’s important to see where these migraines are coming from so we can address the root cause instead of putting a bandaid on the situation.

NSAIDS taken for migraines cause inflammation in your gut leading to leaky gut. They can also suppress ovulation, make headaches worse & put a bandaid on the root issue.



- Estrogen Excess- either making too much, not eliminating effectively or being over exposed to xenoestrogens.

- Can also happen if you’re not ovulating or making sufficient progesterone

- Migraines can be triggered by the drop in estrogen at the onset of your period 

- Constipation, Adrenals & Thyroid & nutrient deficiencies can also cause migraines.

Hormonal headaches are cyclical and mostly occur just before or after your period, or around ovulation due to the spike in estrogen which triggers ovulation. I recommend tracking your migraines to pinpoint what’s going on.



1. HYDRATING- 100oz a day with electrolytes

2. MAGNESIUM GLYCINATE- shown to prevent headaches- muscle relaxer, anti inflammatory & crucial for hormone health. 300mg daily- can increase to 600mg when you’re prone to getting a headache

3. VITAMIN B2 (riboflavin) has been shown to reduce the number of migraines people have but needs to be taken consistently- I recommend a b complex.

4. LIVER LOVING FOODS & FIBER: Liver breaks down & metabolizes hormones. Dark leafy greens, cruciferous veggies (broccoli, kale, brussels, cauliflower, cabbage, collards), root veggies (beets, sweet potatoes, carrots etc)

5. FEVERFEW- shows to prevent menstrual migraines-anti inflammatory herb- 25mg daily

6. Get rid of foods you’re sensitive too - sugar, dairy, gluten, alcohol, (iGg delayed food allergies)

7. Yoga- increases circulation, reduces stress


Want to join this months MASTERCLASS on ALL THINGS GUT!? We're diving into:

  • HOW the gut is connected to hormones, anxiety, depression, brain health & more
  • What negatively affects your gut (NOT just food related)
  • Things your gut LOVES (again, NOT just food related!)
  • What you can do right away to start healing

It's a crash course on the most IMPORTANT aspect of our health! Click here for more info! Can't wait to see you there!

Check out  Episode 10 about the gut for a taste of what you'll get in the MASTERCLASS.



 2. 3 SURPRISING things messing up your hormones!