[PERIOD HEALTH] What's happening when your period is late but you're not pregnant?!

Published: Aug. 3, 2021, 9 a.m.

Has your period ever been late but you have no idea why? While there are many factors that go into it, today we're chatting about 2 of them: stress & travel.

Details from today's show!

  • Stress raises cortisol levels and disrupts your blood sugar which, in turn, disrupts your ovulation and period.
  • The stress hormone cortisol blocks progesterone production and lowers progesterone levels.
    • This messes with your cycle by lengthening your luteal phase and makes your periods start of slow, with a lot of brown spotting and brown blood before your regular flow. 
  • If you experience stress around the time you typically ovulate, the increased levels of cortisol can delay or even prevent ovulation.
  • Intense stress can cause anovulatory cycles, or months when you don’t ovulate at all.
  • Reference: https://www.floliving.com/stress-and-hormones/

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Episodes Referenced:


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