[PERIOD HEALTH] The QUALITY of your period is a sign of your OVERALL health. It's your 5th VITAL sign!

Published: June 8, 2021, 8:30 a.m.

Back when my period came every few months & then eventually disappeared for 2 FULL YEARS, I had NOO clue that the quality of my period (or lack there of) was a sign of an underlying health issue. AND that it was as important as my heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate & blood pressure!

  • A vital sign is a bodily response you can monitor to measure how your body is functioning. The four most commonly excepted vital signs are heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate the number of breaths you take each minute, and blood pressure.
  • By measuring your vitals your practitioner gains a window into your overall health and is able to see subtle warning signs of an underlying health issue
  • Just like your heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, your menstrual cycle is such a central part of who you are that if your body isn’t functioning normally neither will your cycle.
  • The American Academy of pediatrics and the American College of obstetricians and gynecologist report that ministration should be monitored as a vital sign adolescent girls. 
  • This is emphasizing the important role of menstrual patterns and reflecting overall health status.
  • Patterns meaning regularity in cycle length, consistency of blood flow and amount of days of bleeding and symptoms. 
  • Regular ovulation is only possible when your endocrine system and reproductive system are functioning normally an irregular or abnormal cycle is an early warning sign of an underlying health problem
  • You’re Cycle will act up when you have an underlying health issue
  • There’s a difference between subtle changes when you eat certain foods, drink alcohol, travel or your sleep patterns change. When there’s an underlying health issue you will experience significant cycle disruptions


The 5th Vital Sign by Lisa Hendrickson-Jack


 23. Is it NORMAL to have period PAIN?!

 16. Are you paying ATTENTION to your period?