[GUT HEALTH] STRESSED out & struggling with DIGESTION?! This one's for you!

Published: April 30, 2021, 8 a.m.

I cannot wait to jam out on this topic with you! I love looking at the body as a WHOLE and all connected parts because that’s exactly how it is.

It’s so empowering to know that we can improve our health & quality of life with way more than just nutrition.

Our gut is directly connected to our brain via the vagus nerve. Because of that stress causes inflammation in our gut and when our gut is inflamed it causes stress.

Things that inflame our gut: sugar, gluten, dairy, stress, environmental toxins, medications (antibiotics, hormonal birth control, Advil etc). This inflammation can lead to anxiety, depression & stress.

Stress can cause constipation & bloating because of the vagus nerve connection.



1. 3- 5 deep breaths before every meal to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system

2. Being present while eating & chewing thoroughly (not working through it, multi tasking, texting while watching tv etc)

3. Not looking at your phone first thing in the morning- taking time to check in with you first.

4. Meditation

5. Saying NO & setting boundaries

INTRO mini courses!

1. INTRO to MIND Your Hormones 101

  • INTRO to MIND Your Hormones 101 will give you a sneak peak of the 12 week coaching experience.
  • In this INTRO course you'll learn how to be consistent with your health goals for long term results, the most important first steps when balancing your hormones & how you can use nutrition & lifestyle to support your hormones from the root out.
  • You'll get a supplement protocol, guided meditations, tons of vegan & gf recipes, product recommendations, bonus trainings, a facebook community so you have access to me & more!
  • Click HERE for more details of what you get in this intro course!

2. INTRO to HONOR Your Cycle

  • INTRO to HONOR Your Cycle will give you a sneak peak of the 8 week coaching experience.
  • In this INTRO course you'll learn how your body actually works as a women. You'll learn about our innate feminine cycle that's called our infradian rhythm, how to eat to support every phase of your cycle so you can flow with your cycle!
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