[CYCLE PHASES] How your BRAIN CHANGES during your period!

Published: Sept. 21, 2021, 8 a.m.

This episode is JUICY! We're chatting about how our fluctuating hormones in each cycle phase affects what happens in our BRAIN! Today we're specifically talking about how it affects us during our period allowing us to be more INTUITIVE & make decisions.

Interested in our group coaching program Honor Your Cycle: reconnect with your body by supporting every phase of your cycle?!

Your brain during your period

  • The left (analytical) side of your brain and the right (feeling) side of your brain communicate the MOST during this time.
  • So this is an amazing time to integrate how you FEEL about a situation and make decisions about the best way to proceed because your analytical & feeling hemispheres of your brain are communicating together.


  • During your period schedule time for journaling, meditation, stillness, verbal processing. Go inward & trust your intuition

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