97. How being PROACTIVE about your hormonal health can change the game for you!

Published: Aug. 20, 2021, 8 a.m.


I can't wait for you to tune into this little pep talk!

The societal norm is to take care of something once there\\u2019s a problem. Oh you\\u2019re sick? Now it\\u2019s time to take supplements. You have high blood pressure? Now it\\u2019s time to change your diet. You have absolutely no period after years of irregularly, now it\\u2019s time to look into it.

But how about instead we become proactive with our health & armor our immune system every day so that when we are exposed to colds/flus/viruses etc. we\\u2019re less susceptible & get less of a reaction if any?

We don\\u2019t need to wait for shit to hit the fan to do something about it. We can do it now that way we reduce the chances of shit hitting the fan! And in the process we\\u2019re healthier, happier more fulfilled humans because when your health is vibrant your life becomes vibrant. When you\\u2019re the healthiest version of you, literally everything is better.

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Where do you think your health could use a bit of a boost? Only you know how you feel in your body every day.
  2. What do you feel you need to do in order to reach that vibrant health? Go back to school? Read? Hire a coach?
  3. If you\\u2019re hesitant about it, why do you think you don\\u2019t deserve to feel amazing every day/the majority of most days?\\xa0

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So grateful you\\u2019re here! XO Corinne
