83. The problem with hyper focussing on ONLY food & exercise on your health & wellness journey.

Published: July 2, 2021, 8:30 a.m.

I cannot wait to jam out on this topic with you because it’s a game changer!

Nutrition, movement & supplementation are critical to overall wellness, but they only take us so far.⁣ When we hyper focus on food & movement alone we end up ignoring a huge part of our being.⁣

I became a Holistic Nutritionist because I believe that everything is connected: our mind, body, emotions & spirit.⁣ That’s how I’ve approached my health & how I lead my clients.⁣

⁣Our body needs more than just food & exercise to truly thrive.⁣ It also needs emotional & spiritual nourishment.

When we IGNORE the emotional & spiritual parts of us that’s when:⁣ stress takes over⁣, we feel disconnected⁣, we feel a sense of lack⁣, we feel scattered & drained⁣, we feel low vibe because we’re draining our emotional & spiritual cup. We’re pretending they’re not there.⁣

Those feelings of lack & disconnection are a result of the lack of emotional & spiritual nourishment. (& probably old beliefs we need to rewrite).

PLUS since our emotions are connected to our body, they can manifest into PHYSICAL symptoms.⁣

A lot of what we experience physically can be traced back to a repressed emotion.⁣

One of my favorite parts of MIND Your Hormones 101 (my group coaching program) is the emotional breakthroughs that happen on our calls.⁣ THAT’S when the real transformation happens.⁣

If you’re an ambitious, health conscious woman like I am, then I know you want to reach your full potential, just like I do.⁣ But the ONLY way to do that & the only way to become the most EMPOWERED version of you is to nourish ALL parts of you.⁣

Take some time today to sit down & think about how you’ve been nourishing your mental/emotional & spiritual health.⁣

Then, pick ONE thing you could do to start nourishing it. Mediation & Journaling are my go tos.⁣

LAST DAY OF EARLY BIRD PRICING FOR the 12 week group coaching program MIND Your Hormones 101 ! We start the week of July 12! Interested?!


  • Checkout my website
  • Want professional grade supplements for 10% off? Head to my dashboard! (Click HERE for the CANADIAN dashboard).
  • Just Thrive Health brand is my fave probiotic. Use code CORINNE for 15% off!
  • If you're obsessed with organic, non-toxic skin care and you want one that's AFFORDABLE & EFFECTIVE check out my fave Skin Essence Organics and use code CORINNE for 15% off! (Canadian website)

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