61. Struggling with FACIAL HAIR?! Here's the root causes & tips to heal it!

Published: April 16, 2021, 7:30 a.m.

I'm SUPER excited for you to hear today's episode because I have personally struggling with this for YEARS so if you do too, I FEEL YOU.

I struggled for so long because I wasn't addressing (or even knew of) the root cause which is why I'm jamming out on this with you because it's helped me so much!

2 ROOT CAUSES= Insulin Resistance & Inflammation


  • A condition of high insulin, where the cells of your liver and muscles fail to respond properly to insulin.
  • INSULIN is a hormone made by your pancreas. It stimulates your liver & muscles to take up sugar from your blood & convert it to energy.
  • Under normal conditions your hormone insulin rises briefly after eating. This stimulates your liver & muscle cells to take up food energy from your blood & covert it to energy. 
  • This causes your blood sugar to fall & then your insulin to fall.
  • Insulin resistance- your pancreas has to make more and more insulin to try and get it’s message through to your cells since your cells aren’t responding to it.
  • Too much insulin
    • creates inflammation & causes weight gain- & can lead to diabetes, osteoporosis & heart disease.
    • AND it can impair ovulation & stimulate your ovaries to make testosterone instead of estrogen.
    • AND it stimulates your pituitary to make more LH which makes more androgens.
    • AND it lowers androgen binding protein SHBG which results in more free testosterone & unbound testosterone


  • Smoking, stress, birth control, sleep deprivation, alcohol, trans fat, unhealthy gut microbiome, magnesium deficiency & environmental toxins


  • No sugar (being by reducing it & then eliminating- NOT FOR FOREVER!)
  • Sleep: More info on Sleep here: Episode 53


  • DISRUPTS hormone receptors & suppresses ovulation.
  • Stimulates adrenal glands & ovaries to make more androgens.
  • Inflammation can come from insulin resistance, smoking, inflammatory foods, environmental toxins, digestive problems



  • Avoid inflammatory foods (gluten, sugar, dairy)
  • Reduce exposure to environmental toxins- pesticides, plastics, mercury



The Period Repair Manual by Dr. Lara Briden



    • Text HONOR  to see if you're a good fit for the 8 week course HONOR Your Cycle. DOORS ARE OFFICIALLY OPEN UNTIL 4/19/21.
    • This course teaches you how to sync your life, nutrition, workouts, productivity, sex etc with each phase of your cycle so you can fully support your body & thrive in all areas of your life by flowing with the wave instead of against it. Learning this information is the most empowering thing you could possibly do for your life & health.
  • Come hangout with me on instagram @corinneangealica
  • Want professional grade supplements for 10% off? Head to my dashboard! (Click HERE for the CANADIAN dashboard).
  • Just Thrive Health brand is my fave probiotic. Use code CORINNE for 15% off!
  • If you're obsessed with organic, non-toxic skin care and you want one that's AFFORDABLE & EFFECTIVE check out my fave Skin Essence Organics and use code CORINNE for 15% off! (Canadian website)
  • If you want high quality ORGANIC products check out ORGANIFI & use code CORINNE for 15% off!