24. Health is NOT just about DIET & EXERCISE!

Published: Dec. 11, 2020, 9 a.m.


I cannot wait to hear your feedback on today\\u2019s episode because I think you\\u2019re really going to vibe with it! Part of the reason this podcast is called \\u201cMIND your hormones\\u201d is because our MENTAL & EMOTIONAL health is JUST AS IMPORTANT as our PHYSICAL health & that\\u2019s what we\\u2019re getting into today!


We're HOLISTIC beings and in order to see TRUE TRANSFORMATION we need to heal & nurture ourselves in a HOLISTIC way.


The idea for today\\u2019s episode started with having a full on MELTDOWN the other day about being over the whole Covid situation.


In March I was ok with it bc it was an OPPORTUNITY to stop & realize what\\u2019s important.\\u2063


It allowed me to GROW my then SIDE HUSTLE into my now full-time career: teaching how to use NUTRITION & LIFESTYLE to IMPROVE the QUALITY of your life by NATURALLY balancing HORMONES.\\u2063


I\\u2019m SO grateful for that, despite the horrible circumstances.\\u2063


I fully acknowledge the pain SO MANY faced & still are & my heart goes out to them.\\u2063


Most recently, the severity is increasing as it was in March & it feels like a post traumatic stress response.\\u2063


I\\u2019m OVER feeling NERVOUS to be around high risk fam members.


I hate that the holidays will be different & I can\\u2019t hug my gpa who\\u2019s going through chemo in fear I\\u2019ll expose him & make it worse.\\u2063


It\\u2019s an IMPOSSIBLE situation we\\u2019re ALL learning to navigate in REAL TIME.\\u2063


This MENTAL & EMOTIONAL stress 100% affects our hormones & overall health.\\u2063 Which is why if you\\u2019re only focused on diet & exercise you won\\u2019t see true transformation.


We\\u2019re NOT just a PHYSICAL body. We have a MENTAL & EMOTIONAL body that are just as IMPORTANT.\\u2063


I\\u2019m SO blessed to be in a MUCH better situation than many & FULLY recognize that.\\u2063


But that doesn\\u2019t mean it\\u2019s NOT affecting me.\\u2063


We need to honor that this pandemic is IMPACTING our HORMONE HEALTH.\\u2063


When our stress hormone CORTISOL increases it causes PROGESTERONE(a hormone necessary for pregnancy, metabolism, thyroid, skin, hair, bones, moods etc)to decrease.


Just like we brush our teeth daily, we NEED to practice MENTAL hygiene DAILY.\\u2063


We need to implement things like JOURNALING, MEDITATION, MOVEMENT, DAILY to PROCESS the EMOTIONS we face & TRANSFORM the stress so they don\\u2019t BUILD UP & cause OVERWHELM.\\u2063




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So grateful you\\u2019re here! XO Corinne
