201. Trusting your intuition & moving towards your goal despite fear

Published: Aug. 12, 2022, 9 a.m.


Today is a super passionate & sassy episode! We're chatting about how to trust your intuition more, why it matters & how to really move towards what you desire in life WHILE you feel fear. This episode was inspired by my 2 year anniversary of resigning from my 9 year teaching career. If you're looking to feel inspired, get fired up, hear some hard truths, trust yourself more & move WITH the fear that comes up, this is going to be your JAM!

Your Fertile Window:
- This masterclass will support you in

  • Knowing the 5-6 days you're fertile to support getting pregnant or avoiding pregnancy\\xa0
  • Using your body's physical & measurable signs of ovulation rather than relying on LH strips or apps that aren't accurate
  • Understanding your body on a deeper level & having BODY LITERACY
  • Feeling confident having sex off birth control without the fear of getting pregnant
  • Using fertility awareness rather than synthetic hormones for birth control

\\xa0-Click HERE to join!

Check out our Sponsor GutPersonal! Code CORINNE saves you 10% on any item in their store!

  • Don't forget to take the GutPersonal Quiz to find out exactly which supplements are best for your unique situation!

Join the Mind Your Hormones Community to connect more with me & other members of this community!
