199. Hard truth- Are you making decisions as the person you ARE or the person you desire BECOMING

Published: Aug. 5, 2022, 9 a.m.


Today we're going DEEP into why sometimes we feel stuck or that we're not making progress because we're making decisions as the person we were or are today, RATHER than making decisions as the person we are BECOMING. This is a SUPER passionate episode that I know is going to hit home with some of you and really get you thinking about how you can get out of autopilot and instead be intentional about your decisions so you can become the woman you desire & deserve to be.

Free 3 Day Plant Based Meal Plan
This free download is for you if you are interested in incorporating more plant based meals into your diet but you simply don't know where to start.
-Click HERE to download!

- This program is for you if you desire becoming all or mostly plant based &/or you're already plant based but are still dealing with hormone imbalances & you want to learn how to use plants to support your hormones, energy, skin, digestion, period & overall wellness so you can finally see the results you deserve!
- Click HERE to join us!
- We start 8/8 (you can always join after since the trainings will be in a fb group & available for replay)

Check out our Sponsor GutPersonal! Code CORINNE saves you 10% on any item in their store!

  • Don't forget to take the GutPersonal Quiz to find out exactly which supplements are best for your unique situation!

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