197. A simple shift to support you when making changes to your nutrition

Published: July 29, 2022, 9 a.m.


Today we're talking about a concept called "crowding out"! This idea shifts your mindset from lack when it comes to reducing/removing certain foods from your nutrition, to one that focuses on what you can ADD into your lifestyle. When we shift our focus we won't have that guilt/shame feeling that can come up when we eat something we're "supposed" to be reducing. It's such a tiny shift but it makes a huge difference in how you feel mentally & results in you making more choices that actually support you!

- This program is for you if you desire becoming all or mostly plant based & want to learn how to do that in a way that also supports your hormones, is sustainable & results in you having way more energy, better fertility, clearer skin, better periods & so much more
- Click HERE to join us!
- We start 8/8 (you can always join after since the trainings will be in a fb group & available for replay)

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  • Don't forget to take the GutPersonal Quiz to find out exactly which supplements are best for your unique situation!

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