Sidetracked | Adventure in Faith, Week 3 | 2019-10-20

Published: Oct. 21, 2019, 2 p.m.

Sidetracked with Rev. Joshua Reeves - This is the third spiritual message in the Five-Week Sunday Series: Adventure in Faith 2019
Let the Adventure Begin! 

Get lost. Seriously! Take a detour. Take the long way. Slow down. There‘s no need to rush. If life is truly about the adventure and not the destination, then a happy ending is only the byproduct of cultivating happiness along the way.

You can’t truly know where you’re going or where you’ve been without clearly understanding where you are. When you embrace the truth that you are here, balance, self-acceptance, and creativity is cultivated, which allows you to boldly move forward in your life adventure.

What does adventure suggest to you? Someplace different? Something exciting or unknown? Maybe even a little bit scary? Or could it be a place you’ve always longed to go, what you’ve always longed to do or who you’ve always longed to be? Maybe the real you on the true adventure of your soul?

Welcome to your adventure in faith!