E230 - Pondering - What is Love?

Published: Feb. 13, 2023, 6 a.m.


It\\u2019s February\\xa0 -\\xa0 and in one way or another the topic of LOVE seems to be swirling around us.\\xa0 Valentines' day, hearts, chocolates, balloons, and stuffed animals greet us when we enter most stores. We begin to feel the energy of spring, and many might find themselves restless.\\xa0 We crave more of earth, and the energy of plants, animals, and the long days of sunshine.\\xa0

What is Love - \\xa0 OSHO says \\u2013 There is no definition of love.\\xa0 It is one of those indefinable. I cannot define it. I cannot say that \\u2018this is love\\u2019,\\xa0 I cannot show it to you.\\xa0 It is not a visible phenomenon. It cannot be dissected, cannot be analyzed; it can only be experienced, and only through experience do you know what it is. \\xa0 But I can show you the way to experience it. \\xa0

\\xa0Albert Einstein -\\xa0 wrote that Love is a better master than duty. \\xa0 Love and duty are the two main forces that motivate us to act, yet they operate differently. Duty appeals to our sense of honor and responsibility, sometimes against our own will. Love, on the other side, is selfless and giving. Love gives wings to our soul. \\xa0

So what is LOVE?\\xa0 If everything is vibration, and everything vibrates, isn't LOVE just another vibration? Is it ONE vibration or many?\\xa0 Listen as Laurie ponders LOVE

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