The Wim Hof Method & Cold Showers (Mere Mortals Episode #61 - Meanderings)

Published: July 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Are you actually challenging yourself, or just think you are? In this episode of Meanderings Juan and Kyrin dive into the icy cold topic of the Wim Hof Method. For those who are unaware, Wim Hof is a beautifully insane dutch man known as the Ice Man, who invented a breathing technique that allows him to endure cold (but also heat) well beyond what is considered normal. Kyrin has recently started practising this method, as well as facing his mortal enemy, the cold.

In the second half of the session the Beanie Crew start to bounce topics a bit, going from electric cars that can last 1,000,000 miles, the glorious smell of petrol and detergent, the best way to spend $5 and Guatemalan death trap Chicken Buses. As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!