The Exorcism Of Lisa Rinna Ft. Sami Sage (RHOBH)

Published: Aug. 4, 2022, 5:39 p.m.

b'Dylan is joined by Betches\\u2019 Sami Sage, who is more than ready to get into this week\\u2019s episode of Beverly Hills. They discuss why Sutton is so difficult for the other women to deal with, and what Erika really meant when she called her a liability. Then, they talk about Lisa Rinna\\u2019s fall from fan-favorite status, and what could possibly make her see the light when it comes to Sutton (hint: it\\u2019s money). Finally, Sami shares her thoughts on Taylor\\u2019s casting on RHOC, and why Teddi might be more mad than Vicki.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'