MEET THE AUTHOR Podcast_ LIVE - Episode 128 - KA HANCOCK

Published: Nov. 2, 2023, 12:30 a.m.

b"MEET THE AUTHOR Podcast: LIVE - Episode 128- KA HANCOCK
Originally Aired Wednesday November 1,2023
Featuring Author KA HANCOCK
ABOUT KA: If you know me and my work, you probably know I'm big on family, complicated relationships, and imperfect dynamics--essentially life. I've been married to my guy for so many years I've lost count--and I happen to think that marriage is the greatest refiner of character ever invented. I'm a psych nurse by profession, a writer by passion, a raiser of responsible offspring by choice and determination, and I melt glass as a hobby.
I think people are completely fascinating, and what motivates them is usually even more so. It's why I write books about ordinary humans (joking, there's no such thing) and how they attach and detach and navigate life amid the piles of laundry, bills, tears, and dog poop... And, of course, how they triumph!
For me, creating remarkably flawed and unassuming characters who somehow manage the nonsense in their lives well enough to live heroically is insanely fun! Like an extraordinarily defiant woman who chooses her baby's life over her own because of an unyielding faith in her mentally ill husband. (Dancing on Broken Glass) Or a young girl who finds a way to communicate with her severely brain damaged mother and learns the heartbreaking price paid for her own life. (The Duzy House of Mourning) Or the tortured misfit enslaved by his rituals who can't help but befriend, then fall in love with the suicidal girl who was dumped at her own wedding. (Ivy in Stills)
People are people are people and I love that their truth snakes through my writing. We learn so much from each other when we stop talking and just listen. Or read...
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