Short Term Missions

Published: May 31, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Key Issues in Planning and Assessing STM : What are the top 2-3 areas to explore when you are getting ready to engage in STM?How can you match your priorities with the priorities of potential STM groups and locations? Partnering with Nationals: What are the key steps to take to prepare to serve with nationals on STM? What is it about me that needs to change for me to be an effective partner on STM? Spiritual Growth as a Student on STM: What are the 3 most important things I should do in order for God to use me as a student on STM? What does successful spiritual growth look like for a healthcare student? Working Across Cultures on STM: Healthcare here and there – what’s the big difference? Do I really need to prepare to work in another culture? It’s just a short trip! Working with others on STM: I get along great on group projects at school. Isn’t a STM trip about the same? I’m more of an introvert and like to work on my own. No problems, right?