Any Questions?...An Interview With Sam

Published: June 17, 2021, 12:53 a.m.

This week on my forum Medical Musings with Friends , I posted a segment called “Any Questions?” I wanted to invite my forum members to ask me anything about my life, my disease, my writing etc. It was an open book kind of segment. The recurring question, or theme to the questions, was; “how do you manage to write when you are in extreme pain?”Another recurring question was; “How do you cope with the stress and anxiety of pain and disease?”One of my forum members asked me; “how do you come up with writing ideas and do you plan your blog posts? “ I was also asked; ” Did you write before you were diagnosed with a chronic disease?”A fun question asked was; “Sam, if you could be a child again with a million possibilities for a career, country to live etc what would it be??? It has to be different to your actual life story so far! There were a few more questions but on this Podcast I end with this one; “What’s one tip you would share with the rest of us with chronic disease?”