Mediatwits #94: How Riptide Sunk Legacy Media; Ugly Sexism at Disrupt, Business Insider

Published: Sept. 13, 2013, 6:47 p.m.

This was not a stellar week for the tech media world. The Riptide project was an in-depth look by news pioneers at early efforts by traditional media to adapt to the rising tide of disruption — and how they failed. The trio of researchers interviewed 61 people, many key players in the early days of the web, including Google's Eric Schmidt, AOL's Steve Case and Twitter's Dick Costolo. But the project was vilified for including 54 interviews of white men, with few people of color or female voices. It wasn't the only slight for women in tech: Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson was fired for a stream of offensive tweets, while the TechCrunch Disrupt hackathon produced two inappropriate presentations, including for an app called TitStare. For this show, our special guests include two of Riptide's authors, Paul Sagan of Akamai, as well as Andrea Peterson, tech policy blogger for the Washington Post's The Switch. MediaShift's Mark Glaser will host, along with regulars Andrew Lih of American University and Ana Marie Cox from the Guardian.