Mediatwits #83: WaPo's 'Sponsored Views' and Pay Wall; Snowden Reveals Himself as PRISM Leaker

Published: June 14, 2013, 6:57 p.m.

Washington Post joined the 450 other daily U.S. newspapers with pay walls this week and also now offers “Sponsored Views” below its editorials. We’ll talk to Forbes media columnist Jeff Bercovici about the advantages and disadvantages of pay walls at the Post and beyond. We’ll also talk to CNET’s Declan McCullagh on new developments in the ongoing controversy surrounding NSA collection of private data from Internet companies. Finally, the digital music industry is changing as Apple hopes its new iTunes Radio will compete with Pandora, which also hopes its new terrestrial radio station will help lower royalty rates. MediaShift’s Mark Glaser will host, along with regular Andrew Lih of USC Annenberg and American University.