Mediatwits 144 Podcast: Can Digital Dimes Add Up For Newspapers With Less Print?

Published: Jan. 23, 2015, 2:14 a.m.

It’s easy to understand why newspapers are concerned about advertising dollars moving toward the web when you consider that advertising accounts for nearly 70 percent of revenue in the news industry. And more of that money is expected to migrate to digital in the coming year. But Advance Media - parent company of the New Orleans Times-Picayune and other papers around the country - thinks it has the answer: Over the last five years they’ve reduced the number of times they publish in print and they’ve made a greater push into digital. Could Advance Media’s strategy of reduced frequency printing be the answer? Former newspaper publisher Martin Langeveld thinks so. He argues now is the time to transition while they still have their print readers, but many newspaper companies have been slow to reduce print frequency. On our show, we’ll discuss the changing business models for newspapers, with special guests Martin Langeveld; Ryan Chittum, a contributing editor at Columbia Journalism Review; and Jesse Holcomb, senior researcher at Pew. They’ll be joined by Mediatwits regular Andrew Lih at American University. PBS MediaShift’s Mark Glaser will host and Jefferson Yen will be producing.