Episode 98- Be Kind

Published: June 13, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

This week we bring our gay to the forefront in honor of pride month! This is the first of 4 episodes with queer themed content and we are living! In His Girl Friday Realness we discuss Tom Hollands psychic powers as Jake Gyllenhaal joins as Mysterio! We discuss everyone's beloved Taika Waititi and his latest gifts to the world, that and more! In Netflix and Chill Realness we serve up the finale of Sense8 and say goodbye to one of the most beautiful shows in existence. In Primetime Realness we discuss Rebecca Sugar's Steven Universe, but don't worry your straight head, they're just galz being palz (MAKE IT GAYERRRR)! Come and join us! Don't forget to rate, review, like, comment and download! Share us with your friends, Thank you for being our family! Ps, check out Aaron book, Reasons Hidden By Leaves!