Episode 32- #BabyGrootIsLife

Published: Dec. 13, 2016, 4:42 p.m.

Naughty Dog is at it again, serving us that eyebrow-game-strong realness with the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy Remastered and it’s badass female-led Uncharted spin-off. We take another quick peek at the progress of our favorite ape-controlled earth with the new War For the Planet of Apes trailer. Marvel gives us the one-two punch with new trailers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Spiderman: Homecoming #BabyGrootIsLife #BirdmanIsStillBirdman. In this week’s Netflix and Chill Realness, we get cute and crude with Ali Wong in her comedy special Baby Cobra. We finish off with Designated Survivor and we ask ourselves, “Will this show survive it’s own concept?” during Primetime Realness.