77 | From Precious Metals to Self Reflection

Published: Sept. 29, 2021, 2 p.m.


Blind spending, origin of Gold on Planet Earth, Our Universe, Mental Images (01:00). The International Dark Sky Society and discovering the cosmos by having them come to us (10:00). Discovering Earth (20:00). Sacha's Social Media Algorithmic Discovery of the Week (26:00). Remembering or Forgetting 9/11 20 years later (42:00). Abortion and the business of death in America (50:00). Synchronicities Evolving and intensifying (64:00). Passion created babies & its ties to population decline (74:00). The intrigue older men have with younger women, Charlize Theron (90:00). The ways that men and women are intimidated by each other (105:00). Damsels in Distress/Cinderella Syndrome & the good sides of Fairy Tale Romance + Morgan gets psychological (115:00). Marijuana studies as of late (140:00). Mirror Attraction and courage in self reflection (160:00). Matrix 4 hype and Morgan's criticism of remakes (185:00)

