22 | From Quarantine to Big Machine

Published: March 29, 2020, 4 p.m.

b'We\'re 22 days in to the "official" Coronavirus US impact and we\'re asking what can we learn during our quarantine time? Perhaps its a lesson on how local government works too or perhaps it can highlight the problems with government and force us to make changes (12:00). From there we meander to the psychological effects that could be occurring in many American minds as we speak and we weigh the pros and cons of rushing backto normalcy versus playing it by ear and being cautious (38:00). Are there major societal structural changes going on behind the scenes? (52:00). New theories are emerging on what could be happening and Sacha thinks some of them are worth discussing including one that works in 5G (64:00). \\xa0The second hour kick into high gear when we contemplate it there is a method of accessing the actual truth in the midst of waves and waves of information related to the same topic, the guys have a bonding moment and discuss how much the state of current events removed from their particular context (88:00). A little baseball talk kicks off the third hour (125:00). We close out the third hour with a look at how organized religion is handling the Coronavirus situation and we ask some necessary questions (150:00). The fourth hour, yes, the FOURTH hour focuses on spiritual progression during the worst of time and more of the good stuff (178:00).'