WHAT IF? - Season Two (with Hunter Radesi)

Published: Jan. 5, 2024, 11 a.m.

b'Over the Christmas holiday, Marvel released a full season of an animated show: Season Two of WHAT IF?! With AC sidelined with an illness, Jake is joined by friend of pod and What If? Season one defender Hunter Radesi to break down the nine new episodes. What worked, what didn\\u2019t, who gave the best voice performance, and more!\\n\\nFollow Hunter: @hradesi14\\n\\nJOIN OUR PATREON:\\xa0Patreon.com/mcuniversitypod\\nBUY MERCH:\\xa0www.teepublic.com/user/marvel-cinematic-university\\nFollow the show: @mcuniversitypod\\xa0(Twitter/Insta)\\nFollow AC: @anthonycanton_3\\nFollow Jake: @thejakechristie'