WandaVision - Episode 7 (with Nitz, Mariano, and Stephanie Williams)

Published: Feb. 24, 2021, noon

b'It was MCUniversity all along! Jake, Jerome, and AC are joined by friends Stephanie Williams, Mariano Bivins, and Nitz Bluvstein to discuss this pivotal episode of WandaVision (well... what episode is NOT pivotal?)!\\n\\nThanks to @lelandphilpot for letting us use his Agatha All Along trap remix for the show!\\n\\nFollow Steph: @steph_I_will\\nFollow Mariano: @mariannoo\\nFollow Nitz: @nitzbluv\\nFollow Jerome: @blackdragonroll\\nFollow Jake: @thejakechristie\\nFollow Anthony: @anthonycanton_3\\n\\nRATE, REVIEW, SUBSCRIBE!'