How Do We Fix the DCEU? (with Shivani Banfal)

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, noon

b"We ended our Wonder Woman 1984 conversation stuck, trying to figure out just how the DCEU has missed the mark so spectacularly, particularly when DC's television and animated properties are so great. So, Anthony and Jake brought back DC fan and all-around great person Shivani Banfal to break down what the DCEU can build on, what they need to throw away, and what we want to see them do next.\\n\\nYes, we talk about the Snyder cut.\\n\\nFollow Shivani: @shivanibanfal (and donate to @WANTNOTNEEDFUND!)\\n\\nFollow the show: @mcuniversitypod\\nFollow Anthony: @AnthonyCanton_3\\nFollow Jake: @thejakechristie\\nJerome isn't on this one, but follow him, too: @blackdragonroll\\n\\nWANDAVISION RECAPS COMING NEXT WEEK..."