Phrases That Can Go Away Now

Published: March 31, 2020, 2:17 a.m.

Intro If you’re on Social Media, like most of us are, you’ll inevitably run into memes. There’s a good chance you’ve seen one of these phrases plastered over a meme: “You see what I did there?” “Hold my beer” memes – These memes are generally following this simple formula. Person A is described as doing something foolish, while person B says “Hold me beer” and does something much more foolish. “You Only Live Once.” “Giving more than 100%” of anything “at the end of the day”. That’s a combo one. I’m surprised that I hear “At the end of the day” still, as much as I do. Over 15 years ago, that was old. Maybe before that, but I remember hearing it a lot around the time I completed had college. As I was handed my degree, I thought to myself that I only live once…and I was glad it was the end of the day, never mind. That was dumb. You see what I did there? “It is What it Is”. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I know for sure, I’m guilty of saying this one. But I also do think that it makes about as much sense as believing you shouldn’t brush your teeth until you have a cavity. Ever heard of preventative maintenance? “Just sayin’.” I’m not sayin’ any more, other than: This one just sounds like you’re not sayin’ anything intelligent. Follow our Podcast If you’re a new listener to the Manly Hanley Podcast, we would love to hear from you. Visit our website and leave a comment. While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter! Follow Randrums on twitter Like the Manley Hanley Podcast Facebook page.