Livestream for what?

Published: Feb. 6, 2022, 6:58 p.m.

Learn if livestreaming is for you, as well as what is needed to get started today!



Randy is a YouTube streamer/gamer - Minus the Red Bull.


### Why would you want to Livestream?

- I feel like it makes the creator or business more vulnerable or approachable to their audience.


    - When you see some big names do a Livestream, or even a planned Zoom session, it makes them feel more down-to-earth.

    - In these types of sessions you can learn from each other. It's almost like a team-learning environment such as cheerleaders, a sports team, or even a band; You may have one person (the presenter, i.e. the coach) that gives the information, and the attendees or team can process that information, correct themselves personally and amongst one another to gain that knowledge.


    - They're not limited in capacity like an in-person event would be.


- Feedback can be logged and that can only help you improve your business.


- You can Livestream just about anything. Video gamers have been doing this for quite some time.

- I actually just got into game streaming and it really is a lot of fun, no matter what age you are. There are games for every age. If your Video game system has an HDMI port (all modern ones do), there is an easy way to stream it.


### What do you need to get started?

- A computer or smartphone.


    - It's hard to find a computer without a webcam and mic built in. The same goes for smartphones.

   - A computer's built-in webcam usually has garbage quality, but is still good enough to start doing a livestream. A smartphone's camera (as long as the lighting is good in your surroundings) is usually many times better than the camera on most laptops and even desktop (external) webcams.

   - If you see that livestreaming is going somewhere, you can then invest in studio-grade equipment. Try to buy things that you can use in and outside of your streaming setup. 

- A high-quality microphone. If you listen to the older episodes of my podcast, you'll almost think that I'm against USB microphones. When compared to XLR microphones, they're still mostly inferior - sort of like how your iPhone Pro Max cannot compete with something such as a Black Magic cinema 6k camera. Not even close.

- However, USB microphones are only going to get better, due to their convenience of being so easy to just plug and play, and will avoid you needing a separate mixer or audio interface outside of your computer.

- Bandwidth

- If you're planning on using just your smartphone to livestream, if you have a generous data plan and good cellular coverage (4G or 5G), you're probably already set to stream.

- If your home internet connection is garbage, you should consider upgrading with your ISP.

- Don't use WIFI. Use Ethernet.

Closing Remarks 

I'd like to thank you for putting time aside to listen to the podcast. 

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