What will ye that I shall do unto you? You need to ask + believe to receive. Make it clear.

Published: Sept. 17, 2020, 10:40 a.m.

b'\\u201cWhat will ye that I shall do unto you?\\u201d You need to ask + believe to receive. Make it Clear. God commands us to ASK, SEEK > FIND. We are to commune with God upon the desires of our heart and believe in him. Through this process, we actualise God\\u2019s will for us. This is a particular call on seeking clarity and becoming specific, is based upon the man who had no physical vision yet he had more clarity to hone his desires (just like Paul mind you!) with God through spiritual vision, and to ask with clarity and specificity of God for his actual physical eyes to be healed. This is certainly part all of us need to ask for ~ clarity on spiritual matters, before they become fully manifest physically. It\\u2019s vital we protect ourselves with God and utilise prayers to ensure this is taken care of as the process we remember of in terms of Mary and Joseph, with regards to the cross - was salvation for us, yet hellish in terms of many aspects... quite literally. We are meant to NOT repeat suffering and instead glorify the Kingdom. Ultimately you\\u2019ve got to truly be in Christ to properly believe and receive and BE SPECIFIC: \\u201cAnd the Lord answered me: Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he who reads it may run.\\u201d Habakkuk 2:2 What do you want? I want my husband to be confident to lead and that means I want him to not be like Adam and instead... be like Joseph! He needs to be ready for marriage and that means - he needs to be confident in God to initiate. Ladies this is your point too. If you want to be at the altar of Christ, you must only be with another believer and he must be the initiator through Christ, because he is guided by Christ, not by the world or the flesh. He needs to be mature enough to move with faith. Only the best will do. In Christ. I know I want someone who wants the best - for them - that means who is ordained for them specifically through Christ. For some men and women that literally will be Thee best and it will be left at that ~ God, yet for some others, they will have those in Christ who are ordained for them. I want the best for me and I\\u2019m prepared for God\\u2019s wisdom to unfold on this. Everyone ultimately must be prepared for this and this can be done by following the path of Mary and surrendering *only to the will of God and saying \\u2018let it (your will God) be done unto me\\u2019. Whatever it is and however it ends up. Prayer in communion with God in that seeking time is still something both men and women can do and must do. Maybe your desire is for God\\u2019s discernment on another area of your life. That\\u2019s the same principle ~ you must be prepared either way for God to answer your request and understand that however God decides will always be for your ultimate good. In any case - God wants to communicate with you to realise it further - meditative (prayerful) journaling is the ideal method to bring this all together. If you\\u2019re like me maybe you go about your days normally - that\\u2019s good yet maybe God is calling you into deeper communion to figure something essential out. Just think when God spoke to Abraham, Abraham was less proactive, long before Mary and Joseph - yet he still took initiative to ask: \\u2018what will you give to me Lord?\\u2019 Have communication. Perhaps more consecration and setting apart. I wouldn\\u2019t be surprised if that is exactly what God wants from you because of the world situations such as the pandemic. It\\u2019s all being utilised for the greater good and perhaps this is a big calling for the entire world... to get most right with God... ofcourse it is - so do it!'