#421: A.I: Jarle Moss Hildrum: AI and transformation of the workplace

Published: June 29, 2019, 1 p.m.

How can a machine learning model predict voluntary resignations from employees in Telenor? And what are the controversies for having such a model? In this episode of LØRN Silvija speaks with VP of Innovation and Organization in Telenor Research, Jarle Moss Hildrum, about AI and how it transforms the workplace.

— AI and machine learning have a great potential to transform jobs in a positive way, but in order to achieve these positive effects, the introduction of these technologies must be done in dialogue between developers, employees and managers, he explains in this episode.

You will LØRN abour:

●     Innovation

●     Diversity

●     AI

●     Machine learning models

Recommended literature:

●     Competing on talent analytics

●     Richard Rosenow´s blog on LinkedIn

This episode is produced in collaboration with Telenor Norway

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