How The F*** Have You Not Seen That?! - Armageddon

Published: Aug. 17, 2021, 1:06 a.m.

b"Some would say we really are scraping the barrel with this series now and in some ways you'd be right...but when people haven't seen something like Armageddon and all its asteroid filled, 90s cliche glory, then we say 'How the F*** have you not seen that?' Join the team as they recap this hilarious film with fond memories. \\n\\n\\n\\nPlease do subscribe and spread the word of Fan Critical. You can sponsor us on Patreon at and receive access to bonus content. Thank you!\\n\\n\\n\\nSubscribe here:\\n\\n\\n\\nPatreon: www,\\n\\nFacebook:\\n\\nTwitter: @fancriticalpod\\n\\nInstagram: @fan_critical\\n\\nAdvertising Inquiries:\\n\\nPrivacy & Opt-Out:"