LYL #117: Is a scarcity mindset getting in your way?

Published: March 23, 2020, 11 a.m.

Today we’re going to talk about a scarcity mindset and how it repels the very things you want to attract.

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…

  • Why a scarcity mindset includes and impacts way more than just money
  • The two simple questions that make scarcity a non-starter
  • How a scarcity mindset can be pervasive across your life or confined to an area or two
  • What Abraham says about a shortage of money or time
  • Why Wayne Dyer says abundance is not something we acquire
  • What could be going on if you roll your eyes when someone spends $5 on a cup of coffee
  • Two very different vibrations you could experience when money falls out of your pocket
  • Why your alignment of thought has everything to do with the scarcity or abundance you are experiencing in your life
  • A bit of tough love because I want you to tune into the life of abundance that is yours

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