LYL #053: What to do: Your alignment practice no longer works.mp3

Published: Dec. 31, 2018, noon

Today we’re going to talk about why it’s not a problem when your alignment practice stops working.

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…

  • The important distinction between an alignment practice and a morning routine
  • Why your alignment practice not working could be a good thing
  • The problem that surfaces when you try to be disciplined about your morning routine rather than joyful
  • The really strange notion that we shouldn’t make feeling good a priority
  • Why alignment isn't ticking off a list or doing things you “should” do
  • What reading Abraham, highlighting book passages, and eating dark chocolate have in common for me
  • Why I no longer judge what gets me in alignment
  • The gunky feelings my client felt instead of appreciation
  • 7 tips you can use to be flexible about and adaptable with your alignment practice

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