Why Won’t My Stones Work Anymore? I’ve Lost My Crystal Connection!

Published: May 15, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Have you ever found yourself asking, 'Why won't my stones work anymore?' Why do your stones suddenly feel different than they used to? Here's what I can tell you from my own experience... Just because your crystals didn't "work" or felt different this time, it doesn't mean they WON'T work for you again in the future. There are many things you can do to get your crystal connection back... It could be that you were just feeling a bit drained or exhausted and not really up to working with your crystals in the way you were trying to.  Sometimes it's necessary to take a little step back so that you can take time to recover your energy or be more present for the work you're doing. Your crystals are still likely working behind the scenes to support you energetically even if you can't sense them. You may also experience times when you just don't feel like working with your crystals. And this is OK! Sometimes you just have to trust that there is a good reason why you're not feeling called to work with them right now. Not being drawn to work with your stones can be a message from your inner guidance that it's just not the right time. So, when this happens, my advice is... take a step back.   Allow yourself some time to naturally get back into your crystal groove.  Maybe start slow by adding a piece of crystal jewelry into your routine. Or, choose just 1 single stone to carry around in your pocket for a few days. Just be in the flow of the universe. Don't force it and your connection will rekindle over time. Sometimes the universe asks us to take a break from things. This includes the things we love and that are important to us. Ask some important questions about why you’re unable to connect with your stones like: "Am I taking care of myself?" "Am I pursuing my crystal work and being of service to others at the expense of my own physical or emotional well-being?" "Is there any reason my guides or the universe would want me to take a pause or rest from the crystal work I have been doing?" "Has anything else in my life shifted or changed that would cause me to feel disconnected from my crystals?" Take some time to really sit with these questions. Maybe even meditate on them, or journal about them. Sometimes answering these questions can be challenging. However, there is almost always a good reason for feeling your stones differently than you're used to, and these questions can help you find the meaning in your experiences. Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!