Should You Force a Friendship With An Ex?

Published: Feb. 3, 2017, 10:30 a.m.


You broke up with him\\u2026and broke his heart. But time has passed, and now he wants to try to be friends. You miss hanging out and having a laugh with him, so what\\u2019s the harm? After all, you\\u2019re totally over those romantic feelings. The problem is, he isn\\u2019t. Is this \\u201cfriendship\\u201d a good idea? What if he has ulterior motives to try to get back together? That\\u2019s what our caller, Tyrie, wants to know in today\\u2019s episode of LOVE Life. Whether you\\u2019ve been on one side of this relationship or the other, I know you\\u2019ll relate to the \\u201cfriends with an ex\\u201d dilemma too, so be sure to listen in for my advice on how to handle this situation with honesty and compassion so no one reopens the wounds of the past.
