Eucharist IV – Participation in Jesus' Groans

Published: July 27, 2017, 1 p.m.

Lourdes Pinto, 7/27/17 1.     Form My Hidden Martyrs, #52 Diary of a MOC (p. 165) You must form My hidden martyrs of love, for God the Father is using them to fulfill His plan of salvation during these decisive times. Live your hidden life as ONE with Me in My hidden life in the Eucharist, and you will grow in the power of God, which is LOVE. This is the HIDDEN FORCE that will sweep through the face of the world to conquer Satan’s darkness. The Eucharist is the power of God in the world, and God desires to make you living Hosts.  a.     Live your hidden life as ONE with Me in My hidden life in the Eucharist.            i.         We have learned that in each moment of our lives, through our situations, problems, places, and people, we can participate in Jesus’ hidden life in the Eucharist by trusting and abandoning ourselves to His Will.           ii.         In section 4-D of The Path, Participation in the Groans of the Sacred Heart, Jesus invites us to enter the intimacy of His groans. 2.     Listen to My Groans, #77, Diary of a MOC (p. 225) Can you hear My groans that come forth from the depth of My Crucified Heart?  The groans of My agony of love. Listen to My groans of love.   a.     This question is an invitation from the Lord to bring us deeper into His Sacred Heart. Jesus asks us to listen to His groans. What are those groans? How can we hear them? Are they audible? 3.     Mt 13:13 ‘they look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand. a.     Entering the groans of our Lord is a process. First, the Lord taught us in the Path to unite our wounds to His, our pain to His, our tears to His… to suffer ALL with Him as one in His sacrifice of love. This SIMPLE process brings us to know the pain of our Lord, and through His pain, to know His love personally. You can compare this process to the transformation of the caterpillar into a butterfly. The caterpillar is constrained to seeing life around him to just the tiny space it lives in. He can’t see very far nor hear much either. That is how we are when we live constrained in our wounds. Inside the dark pit of our wound, our sight is clouded and our hearing limited. We can’t seem to see beyond ourselves. Our world is all centered on self. When we enter Jesus’ wounds, it is as the caterpillar entering the cocoon. Through His wounds, we are immersed into the cocoon of His Sacred Heart, and just as the caterpillar is not conscious of the transformation taking place, we cannot fully perceive the subtle work of the Spirit transforming our minds, sight, hearing, and heart. b.     This process of suffering with Christ gradually and unperceivably begins to transform our entire being. We start to hear and see our own hearts with the eyes of God through the gift of self-knowledge. We begin to perceive our own groans as we WAIT, like the caterpillar, with PATIENCE, TRUST, and HOPE, for our redemption—our transformation into Love. We see our weakness, woundedness, sins, misery… It’s the groans of our souls that desire to be holy —redeemed in the image and likeness of God to participate in the glory of God here on earth— no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me. Yet, daily we are confronted with our pride, vanity, and lack of trust in God who has loved us to the extreme of the Cross.  These inner groans that express our deepest desire to know God and to know ourselves are a grace of God’s infinite love for us.   4.     Romans 18-23: “I consider that the sufferings of this present...