Battle the Beast in the Power of the Cross –I

Published: Aug. 26, 2021, 1 p.m.

“Battle the Beast In the power of My Cross” part 1 Cenacle, 8/26/21 Lourdes Pinto Message of 8/15/21 Feast of the Assumption, my consecration to Mary and the Holy Spirit My little one, as one with the Mother of God, the Woman clothed with the sun given the power from on High to crush the head of Satan, the great battle for the salvation of the world has begun. My remnant victim souls united as one with Me, Victim, with all the past victim souls and those of the future will battle the Beast in and through the power of My Cross. Persevere, My little one, in leading the few who have responded. Be ready to suffer with Me in this decisive battle for the salvation of countless souls. Stand firm against the great deception of Satan; speak the truth as it is revealed to you with courage and be steadfast in your mission and identity… Be joyful, for you have come to believe in the victory which I have obtained through My death and resurrection. Be diligent in withstanding his lies and deception. Trust that I live in you as one with you and I am guiding you as My warrior in this decisive battle.  (My Lord, how do I guide this community? What do you want?)  ... Do not be afraid, for God- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- is truly with you guiding his remnant army in the great battle against the forces of evil. Continue to proclaim from the housetops the words I have spoken to you throughout the years, for they hold the wisdom of God for the salvation of the world. Your union now with Mary, as one with the Holy Spirit, prepares you to confront Satan and his principalities in her victory, for she is the Queen Mother that has defeated the dragon in her perfect union with Me, her beloved Son. It is through her power in the Holy Spirit that you will fight the great battle. Remain in prayer, and silent so that nothing disturbs your spirit as one with Me, your Beloved. Rejoice, my daughter, you are being counted among the remnant victim warriors of God's great army. Go in peace to love through Me, with Me, and in Me as one with Mary Most Holy. The battle has been won! The Lord begins this message by letting us know that the “great battle for the salvation of the world has begun.” He wants us to be “steadfast in our mission and identity.” Our mission from the beginning has been a battle mission; warrior men and women. We have been formed through The Simple Path to Union with God as His victim souls for this great battle. And He lets us know that the victory has already been won.  The Lord is again reminding us how we battle the Beast in the victory of Jesus’ death and resurrection, united as one with Mary. My remnant victim souls will battle the Beast in and through the power of My Cross The preposition “In” is of the utmost importance. A preposition sits before a word (noun or pronoun) to show the words relationship to another word. Therefore, the Lord is revealing to us the relationship that He wants us to have with Him. The Lord desires us to be “in” the Cross. That means in Jesus crucified. In His Sacred Heart, crucified on the Cross. He does not want us next to Him, nor to remain at the foot of the Cross outside of Him. The entire Simple Path is the work of the Holy Spirit with Mary to bring us to be one with Love crucified, no longer two. To live “in” the Cross is to be a living Host, a living chalice. Therefore, to live “in” Christ crucified is to live continuously in the power of the Mass. Many people attend Mass at least once a week on Sundays, but few live the Mass continuously. It's the same as reading the Simple Path versus living and becoming the Simple Path. "The prayer of Moses responds to the living God's initiative for the salvation of his people. It foreshadows the prayer of intercession of the unique mediator, Christ Jesus." (CCC 2593) In the article, The Perfect Prayer is Holy...