
Published: Feb. 10, 2019, 10 a.m.

NOTE: Frustratingly, a rendering issue with the computer left several chunks of dead air in the sermon. But we've chosen the "better than nothing" approach with this post, so try to enjoy and know that there is nothing wrong with your device. The Future of Love --- Matthew 6:19-34 As you walk through life, where do you put your trust? Your hope? It's easy to say 'God' or 'Jesus' here, especially in a worshipful setting. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus famously tells the people to "lay up their treasures" in Heaven, not here on earth. The Heavenly reward is greater than anything we can imagine. But if you grew up with relative comfort and shelter for much of your life, do you really think you would do different than the rich young ruler asked to give up his own treasures?