The World Turned Upside Down

Published: Aug. 4, 2019, 10 a.m.

b"On the Road --- Acts 17:5-31 \\nToday it's our pleasure to have the Pastor for Congregational Care Allison Otwell return to the stage! (who the podcast guy is clearly a huge fan of, especially when he borders on unprofessional while writing these summaries). She turns her familiar gifts of scholarship, discipleship, and humanity to Paul's journey toward the heart of the Roman Empire. In these passages we see Paul's talent for understanding the audience to whom he delivers the gospel. When he is put on trial in Athens, one of the ancient world's most important hubs of scholarship and philosophy, Paul engages Athenian theology while proclaiming the truth of Christ's divinity. He decries idolatry in a city of idols. Paul teaches us that when you love and understand the people around you, your example has the power to shake the foundations of an entire culture."