The Feet of Jesus

Published: Feb. 23, 2020, 10 a.m.

b"Jesus People --- John 12:1-11 \\nThis is the last Sunday before the season of Lent, so we appropriately find ourselves at the turning point of John's Gospel before the Passion. Here, the sister of the formerly dead Lazarus upends a year's wages of perfume onto the feet of Jesus. Mary's act of worship is stunning; both to those in the room and to us reading about it. We're tempted to criticize the extravagance like Judas does, despite his motives. But take a look harder at where the cost actually lies. That perfume was meant to anoint the dead and Jesus well knows where he will be within a week. Nothing we can give can compare with the enormity of what Jesus gave. And when we acknowledge that, we find our own ways to anoint the feet of our Savior. But we also have to be prepared to get up and follow the footsteps they leave."